The Power of Rebranding: Renewing Longevity Botanicals’ Identity

Longevity Botanicals Recontour

As David Aaker points out, rebranding is a natural and necessary part of strategic brand management in response to changing market conditions. At Recontour, rebranding has not always been the first option when we had acquired a brand. Of course, it has been an option, a natural one in the e-commerce aggregator sector, but we have preferred to conduct a brand audit, analyze the marketing data and then make a reasoned choice.

When we acquired Longevity Botanicals, an organic medicinal mushrooms brand, we were sure about its potential. It is not a secret that we have entered a new era in health and wellness, where consumers are looking for solutions that make tangible contributions to quality of life. It is the search for longevity, as well as a well-balanced life.

Health and wellness, a boosting sector

This change of paradigm is very clear in the data. According to  the Global Wellness Institute (GWI), this economy is valued $1.8 trillion in the United States in 2024. When we dig deeper into the data by sector, we figure out that the Traditional & Complementary Medicine sector is valued at $81.5B.

With this data in our minds and seeing the potential of Longevity Botanicals, we were sure we needed to upgrade the brand in order to give it more relevance and competitiveness in our Amazon North American markets.

In Summer of 2021 we started the rebranding and repackaging process of Longevity Botanicals, which lasted five months. We aimed to demonstrate how these efforts serve to polish our brand identity and ensure their messaging resonates clearly and consistently with health-conscious consumers.

How did we manage the rebranding

With the foundation laid by a robust brand audit and market analysis, the rebranding of Longevity Botanicals was poised to encapsulate the evolving desires of modern consumers. Our decision to rejuvenate the brand’s identity was driven by a strategic vision that aligns with the growing demand for organic and sustainable health products.

Our rebranding strategy for Longevity Botanicals focused on several key areas:

Brand Identity Refinement

We started by refining the core brand identity. While maintaining the essence of Longevity Botanicals’ commitment to organic medicinal mushrooms, we updated the logo and color palette to reflect a more modern, premium aesthetic. The new design language emphasizes purity, nature, and scientific validity – key attributes that resonate with our health-conscious target audience.

Packaging Redesign

The packaging redesign was a crucial element of our rebranding effort. We opted for a clean, minimalist approach that highlights the natural origins of our products. Its main features are:

1. Clear, easy-to-read labels that prominently display the product name and key benefits.

2. A color-coding system to differentiate between various mushroom types and blends.

This redesign not only enhanced shelf appeal but also improved the overall user experience, making it easier for customers to identify and choose the right products for their needs.

Longevity Botanicals Recontour

New Product Formats

As part of our comprehensive rebranding initiative, we’ve taken a step in diversifying our product lineup to cater to our customers’ evolving needs. Recognizing that convenience is key, we’ve expanded beyond our traditional powder offerings, introducing a new capsule format for select mushroom varieties. 

Digital Presence Overhaul

Recognizing the importance of digital channels, we completely revamped Longevity Botanicals’ online presence with a special focus on Instagram. This included:

1. Enhanced content marketing focusing on educating consumers about the benefits of medicinal mushrooms.

2. A social media strategy that engages our audience with valuable wellness tips.

The Results:

As we roll out the new Longevity Botanicals brand, we are excited about the initial results. We believe that our rebranded products will not only meet the expectations of our existing customers but also attract new ones who are on their journey towards a healthier, more balanced life.

Since implementing these changes, we’ve seen significant improvements in key metrics. After we bought Longevity Botanicals, the brand has grown 110% and we multiplied the subscribers base by 13 times.

With these great news, more exciting challenges for Longevity Botanicals are coming. In August, we are launching our brand on Amazon in the UK and France.

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